Procedure descriptions

Proof of disposal Confirmation

If you utilise, dispose of, collect or transport hazardous waste, this is subject to a verification procedure under waste legislation.

Waste producers as well as holders, transporters, collectors and disposers of hazardous waste are obliged to do so. Private households and small-scale producers who do not generate more than two tonnes of hazardous waste per year are exempt.

If the disposer is not approved for the privileged procedure and no collection certificate from a carrier can be used because more than 20 tonnes of waste are generated at the point of generation in the year, an officially confirmed waste disposal certificate is required.

Responsible department

SAA Sonderabfallagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH



The certificates must be valid at the time of disposal.


  • Preparation of the declaration of responsibility (VE) (with cover sheet proof of disposal (DEN) and declaration analysis (DA) by the producer,
  • Supplementing the declaration of proof with the declaration of acceptance (DA) of the disposal company,
  • Submission of the electronic proof to the disposal authority,
  • Confirmation of receipt with additional request from the disposal authority in the event of incomplete or incorrect documents or confirmation from the disposal authority in the event of complete and correct documents.
  • Keeping of consignment notes for each transport.


The deadline for sending the electronic consignment notes by the disposal company is 10 calendar days.

Required documents

  • Prescribed forms of the Verification Ordinance
  • including suitable declaration analysis


for confirmation: No. 1.1.32 of Annex II to theOrdinance of the Ministry of the Environment on the Determination of Fees for Public Services Provided by State Authorities in its Area of Responsibility EUR 100-6000

in the event of rejection: No. 1.1.33 of Annex II to theOrdinance of theMinistry of the Environment on the Determination of Fee Rates for Public Services of State Authorities in its Area of Responsibility EUR 100-2500

Note: In the event of confirmation due to expiry of the deadline in accordance with Section 5 (5) NachwV, a fee is charged for checking the declarations of proof. This fee is reduced by EUR 50, up to a maximum of half of the fee to be set for the confirmation.

Processing time

The authority has 30 days until the official confirmation if the documentation is complete and correct; receipt must be confirmed within 12 calendar days.


Proof can be confirmed for a maximum of five years.

In Baden-Württemberg, hazardous waste for disposal must be disposed of. This regulation ensures that the capacities of the Billigheim hazardous waste landfill are utilised by waste producers and owners from Baden-Württemberg. This landfill is provided by the state for the disposal of hazardous waste.

However, they are not subject to the obligation to deliver:

  • Small producers with no more than 2,000 kg of hazardous waste in total per year
  • Producers who hand over their waste to the collector as part of a collective disposal programme.
    In both cases, the disposer or collector must be subject to the obligation to deliver.
  • Waste producers who dispose of waste in their own facilities in Baden-Württemberg that were already in operation on 1 January 1996.

You can find your personal contact at SAA Sonderabfallagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH by district under the following link

Release note

Machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 11.12.2024

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