Procedure descriptions

Issue accompanying documents for wine shipments

For the transport of non-bottled wine products in containers with a nominal volume of more than 60 litres and in individual other cases, you require a wine accompanying document.

Wine products are

  • Grapes,
  • Grape must,
  • Mash,
  • Wine,
  • Sparkling wine,
  • Sparkling wine,
  • Liqueur wine and
  • Fortified wine.

The accompanying document authorises you to transport the wine products from the producer to a further processing or recovery point, for example to a winery. You are obliged to use an accompanying document.

Responsible department

Wine control at the Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Offices in Freiburg and Stuttgart

  • Responsible for the administrative districts of Freiburg and Karlsruhe:

Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Office Freiburg
Bissierstraße 5
79114 Freiburg
Telephone: 0761 8855-0

  • Responsible for the administrative districts of Stuttgart and Tübingen:

Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Office Stuttgart
Schaflandstraße 3/2
70736 Fellbach
Phone: 0711 3426-1234



  • You are transporting non-bottled wine products of more than 60 litres, or
  • You transport wine products in labelled containers of more than 10 litres that are fitted with a non-reusable closure, or
  • the transport route of wine products
    • from the vineyard to the wine-making plant
    • between two plants belonging to the same company,
    • between the facilities of a producer organisation

is over 70 kilometres.


  • You submit the accompanying document for the wine transport online, by post or fax to the office responsible for the place of loading.
  • You create the accompanying document immediately before the wine transport, when the wine has been loaded onto the transport vehicle and the final number of litres for the transport has been determined. The accompanying document refers only to this transport and cannot be used for other transports.

The electronic wine accompanying document procedure (eWeinBV) allows you to create the wine accompanying document online:

  • Before the upcoming transport, you log in to the eWeinBV application with your user ID and prepare the electronic wine accompanying document.
  • This will guide you step by step through the necessary information that you can enter online.
  • Finally, you confirm that all the information provided is correct.
  • The accompanying document is created, receives a unique reference number and is unchangeable for you. The transport can begin.
  • All parties involved (e.g. sender, driver, recipient) can now call up the electronic wine accompanying document online or receive it digitally.

Submit the accompanying document by post or fax:

  • Fill out the 5-fold form legibly and completely.
  • You give the original to the driver. You keep the remaining four copies.
  • The driver hands the original to the recipient of the wine transport (e.g. the winery) at the destination.
  • You send two copies by post or fax to the responsible control centre at the place of loading no later than one day after the start of the transport.
  • the two remaining copies are for your records.

You only need to create and send the accompanying document. There is no processing or notification by the authorities.


There is no specific deadline. The accompanying document is created immediately before the transport. Transport authorisation by an authority is not necessary.

Required documents



There are no costs in Baden-Württemberg for electronic wine accompanying documents created online.

Processing time

This is purely a transport notification. It will not be processed or a notification issued.



Legal basis

Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1308/2013 des Europäischen Parlaments und Rates vom 17. Dezember 2013 (ABl. L 347, S. 671):

  • Artikel 147 Begleitdokumente und Register

Delegierte Verordnung (EU) 2018/273 der Kommission vom 11. Dezember 2017 (Abl. L 58 vom 28. Februar 2018, S. 1):

  • Artikel 8 bis 19 Begleitdokumente für die Überwachung und Zertifizierung von Weinbauerzeugnissen

Weingesetz (WeinG):

  • § 30 Begleitpapiere

Wein-Überwachungsverordnung (WeinÜV):

  • §§ 18 bis 24 Begleitpapiere

Weinrechts-Durchführungsverordnung Baden-Württemberg (Weinrechts-DVO BW):

  • § 1 Zuständigkeiten Absatz 4 Nummer 2

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Ministerium Ländlicher Raum Baden-Württemberg, 30.10.2024

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