Image carriers - Apply for age labelling and release for age groups
The FSK and USK approve films and computer games for certain age groups.
The abbreviations stand for
- Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft GmbH and
- Entertainment Software Self-Regulation.
The tests are carried out in transparent and independent procedures.
Note: The age rating is not associated with any educational recommendation or aesthetic judgement.
Companies may only sell films and computer games in accordance with the age rating.
The following FSK and USK ratings are available:
- Released without age restriction ("FSK 0", "USK 0")
- Released from the age of 6 ("FSK 6", "USK 6")
- Released from the age of 12 ("FSK 12", "USK 12")
- Released from the age of 16 ("FSK 16", "USK 16")
- no youth rating ("FSK 18", "USK 18")
The labelling is intended for:
- Traders who offer, provide or make available image carriers to the public
- Mail order companies that sell video media with film or game programmes
- other adults
- Children and young people
- the general public
Responsible department
- for films, DVDs and other image carriers: the Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft GmbH (FSK)
- for computer games: the Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body (USK)
The film or the carrier medium must not
- impair the development of children and young people of the respective age group or
- impair their education to become responsible and socially competent personalities.
You must apply for your products to be tested online.
The review procedures are not public. You and your representative have the right to speak at the hearing.
The FSK can issue a specific age rating
- unrestricted or
- restricted (e.g. conditions, ban on showing on certain public holidays).
You must apply in writing for your products to be tested. The application form is available on the Internet.
The testing procedures are not public. You or your representative have the right to attend the presentation of the game and to make a statement afterwards.
Test result: After the test, the USK provides graphic files (age rating + additional information) for download. You will receive the test result and the download link by e-mail (as noted on the test application).
Required documents
- FSC:
- Summary
- Test object
- USK:
- Test application
- Data carrier with the fully playable title
- Manuals, cover artwork
- Solution aids (cheats, walkthroughs, game saves, high-level characters)
The costs for FSK activities can be found in the FSK's cost regulations.
The costs for the activities of the USK are regulated in its cost regulations.
Processing time
- FSK:
This depends on the current test volume and the time required for the content submitted for the test. Usually between one and four weeks. - USK:
- Standard procedure: within 20 working days
- Urgent procedure: within twelve working days
- Ad hoc procedure: within 5 working days
You can apply for a simplified examination procedure for certain categories, e.g. for animated and cartoon films. You can find more information in the"Information sheet on the simplified examination procedure".
Legal basis
Jugendschutzgesetz (JuSchG):
- § 14 Absatz 6 Kennzeichnung von Filmen und Spielprogrammen
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 28.01.2025