Procedure descriptions

Foreign certificates - apply for recognition

Recognition is necessary if, for example, you

  • attend certain secondary schools or
  • wish to apply for certain apprenticeships or professions .
  • wish to pursue a profession in child day care.

For recognition, the foreign educational certificate is assigned to a comparable qualification in Baden-Württemberg.

Examples of certificates or qualifications that are assigned or recognised:

  • Realschulabschluss (secondary school leaving certificate) or aequivalent level of education
  • Secondary school leaving certificate or an equivalent level of education and training
  • Vocational qualification from a regulated school-based training programme in the field of day care for children
  • Higher education entrance qualification for vocational purposes
  • University entrance qualificationqualification for admission to higher education for German applicants with foreign educational qualifications

Responsible department

the Certificate Recognition Authority of the Stuttgart Regional Council (Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart)



  • You have your main place of residence in Baden-Württemberg or
  • You have applied in Baden-Württemberg for
    • a training or further education or
    • employment or
    • a course of study with foreign educational qualifications as a German citizen or a German national


You mustapply for recognition in writing or in person. Use the form provided. Note the special instructions. Also state the purpose for which you need the assessment.

Send the completed application form with all required documents by post to the competent office. You can also send the application in advance by e-mail.

You will be informed in writing about the results of the certificate assessment and about a possible recognition of equivalence

The Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle will issue you with a certificate of recognition if the qualification acquired is recognised. You will also receive information on the transfer of fees with the certificate. Do not send cash.


early, note possible application deadlines

Required documents

Recognition of school education certificates:

  • Application form for school recognition completed in full
  • Copy of passport or identity card
  • if the name in the certificate entry and the name in the identity document do not match: Proof of name change, in the original language and, if necessary, in an official translation
  • for nationals of a non-EU member state: residence permit (with supplementary sheet)
  • foreign school leaving certificates with overviews of subjects and grades
  • Proof of studies (if available)
  • if you are applying for a fee waiver due to low income, you will also need
    • Proof of family income, for example copy of wage/salary statement, job centre notice of unemployment benefit.
    • Proof of the number of family members, e.g. copy of an extended registration certificate, marriage certificate or the birth certificates of the children

Recognition of vocational training certificates:

  • Application form for professional recognition completed in full
  • Copy of passport or identity card
  • if the name in the certificate entry and the name in the identity document do not match: Proof of name change, in the original language and, if necessary, in an official translation
  • curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • Proof of professional qualifications with overviews of subjects and grades
  • Proof of professional activity (e.g. work book, references)


Please submit your educational certificates and their official translations as officially certified copies. Copies are officially certified if an original stamp certifies that the copy corresponds to the original. Other documents in the original language can be submitted in the original language and in an official translation as a simple copy, not as an officially certified copy.
As a rule, documents in English or French do not need to be translated.

Note: Official translations may only be carried out by sworn translators.


Certificate of an acquired qualification: EUR 100.00

If you have a low income, you can informally apply for a fee waiver. Please enclose the following evidence with your application:

  • Proof of family income, e.g. copy of wage/salary statement, Job Centre notification of unemployment benefit.
  • Proof of the number of family members, e.g. copy of an extended registration confirmation, marriage certificate or the birth certificates of the children

Processing time

Depending on the number of applications received, the processing time can be several weeks or months.

If your case is urgent and you can prove this, e.g. by a provisional training/employment commitment or reference to a study application deadline, the competent office may aim for faster processing.



Detailed information

Legal basis

Landeshochschulgesetz (LHG)

  • § 58 Hochschulzugang

Gesetz über die Angelegenheiten der Vertriebenen und Flüchtlinge (Bundesvertriebenengesetz - BVFG)

  • § 10 Prüfungen und Befähigungsnachweise


EU-Richtlinien und zwischenstaatliche Vereinbarungen zur Anerkennung beruflicher Befähigungsnachweise

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, 19.07.2024

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