Procedure descriptions

Evaluate school performance

The educational mandate of the school requires not only the imparting of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also their assessment for the purpose of monitoring learning progress and providing evidence of achievement. As a check on learning progress, it is intended to confirm the success achieved to teachers, pupils, guardians and, if applicable, those co-responsible for the vocational education of the pupils, to give them pointers for further learning progress and thus to promote the pupil's motivation. As a record of achievement, it represents a basis for decision-making for the pupil's further course of education.

Responsible department

The school attended by the pupil.



The basis of performance assessment in a subject is all the work done by the pupil in connection with the lesson (written, oral and practical work).


The subject teacher shall announce at the beginning of his/her lessons how he/she will as a rule weight the various performances in the formation of grades. The general criteria for the assessment of the performance in the individual subjects or subject groups shall be explained to the pupils and, on request, also to their parents or guardians as well as to the persons jointly responsible for the vocational education of the pupils.

The pupils' performance is assessed by grades ("very good" to "unsatisfactory"). In the upper grades of the Gymnasium, they are also assessed with the points assigned to them according to their grade tendency (15 to 0 points).



Required documents



Tuition at public primary schools, Hauptschulen, Werkrealschulen, Realschulen, Gymnasien, Gemeinschaftsschulen, Kollegs, Berufsschulen, Berufsfachschulen, Berufskollegs, Berufsoberschulen and special education and guidance centres is free of charge.

Processing time

For each school year, pupils receive a report on their performance in the individual subjects during the whole school year, unless otherwise specified.



Release note

  • 26.07.2023 Kultusministerium Baden-Württemberg

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