Procedure descriptions

Energy supply - apply for grid operation approval (country)

Efficient and reliable energy supply networks are a prerequisite for supplying the general public with electricity and gas. The supply should meet the following requirements:

  • secure
  • reasonably priced
  • consumer-friendly
  • efficient
  • environmentally compatible

Permission is required to start operating an energy supply network. A licence is required for each individual network. In the case of a distribution network, the spatial delimitation is determined by the respective concession area.

Responsible department

The Ministry of the Environment Baden-Württemberg



Prerequisites are:

  • Electricity or gas supply network is located in Baden-Württemberg
  • Sufficient personnel, technical and economic capacity and reliability of the operator


You must submit an informal application to the competent body containing information on the following points:

  • Area of the energy supply network
  • Is it a transmission or electricity distribution network?
  • Is it a transmission or gas distribution network?
  • Is it an energy supply network for the general supply of end consumers?
  • Number of house connections
  • Number of connections to generation plants
  • Entry and exit points
  • Provision for the procurement of balancing energy and energy for balancing services
  • Measures to remedy disturbances
  • economic capacity of the applicant

You will receive the decision in writing.

For further information, please contact the competent body.


Application: in good time before the planned start of network operation

Required documents

  • Presentation of own company with details of shareholdings
  • Articles of association (or statutes) and, if applicable, consortium agreement
  • For proof of the legal form of the company:
    • If you have your registered office in Germany:
    • If you have your company's registered office abroad, you will need documents from the country of domicile proving the legal form.
  • Organisation chart with number of employees
  • Nomination of the commercial and technical manager as well as his or her certificate of qualification and curriculum vitae
  • Proof of compliance with the generally recognised rules of technology of the Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V. (Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies) or the Deutsche Vereinigung des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V. (German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water) (VDE-AR-N 4001 (S 1000) / DVGW worksheets G 1000 and G 1200 or G 1040), TSM confirmation if applicable
  • Operation management contracts, if concluded
  • Concession agreement (right of way agreement), if concluded
  • Purchase or lease agreement for the grid, if concluded
  • Description of risk management for network operation (fault monitoring and rectification)
  • For proof of economic performance: current balance sheet and profit and loss account, profit transfer agreements and profitability calculations, if applicable


The fee range is €300 - €50,000.

Processing time

Decision of the Ministry: within six months after submission of complete application documents

Detailed information

The state of Baden Württemberg offers consumers and network operators comprehensive information on energy supply in its supplier portal. There you will find generally applicable specifications, guidelines and notices and can download applications.

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