Procedure descriptions

Berufliches Gymnasium (three-year advanced form) - Apply for admission

The vocational Gymnasium of the three-year extension form is a full-time school that builds on an intermediate school leaving certificate. It comprises three school years and leads to the general, nationally recognised higher education entrance qualification.

The range of courses on offer in Baden-Württemberg includes various directions (depending on what is on offer locally):

  • agricultural science
  • biotechnological
  • nutritional science
  • social and health sciences (with a focus on health and social issues)
  • technical (with a focus on mechatronics, design and media technology, information technology, technology and management, environmental technology)
  • economics (with a focus on economics, international economics and financial management)

Responsible department

the vocational grammar school chosen in the application (priority 1)



Requirements for admission to the entrance class:

  • Grade point average of at least 3.0 in the case of
    • Realschulabschluss
    • or the level of education equivalent to the Realschulabschluss acquired at the end of grade 10 of the Hauptschule (Werkrealschule)
    • or the Fachschulreife
      This grade point average is made up of the following subjects, in which you must have achieved at least the grade sufficient
      • German
      • Mathematics and
      • the first compulsory foreign language (English or French) which you are continuing at the vocational Gymnasium you are taking up
  • or transfer certificate to grade 10 or grade 11 of a Gymnasium of the eight-year course of education
  • or promotion certificate to grade 11 of a Gymnasium of the nine-year course of education
  • or the promotion certificate of a community school at the end of grade 10 to a gymnasiale Oberstufe.

In addition, you must not yet be 19 years old at the beginning of the school year, or 22 years old if you have completed vocational training. The school administration may make exceptions in special circumstances.


The application procedure at public vocational schools runs online via the portal BewO ( You must print out the application for admission created by BewO

Note: If more applicants meet the admission requirements than there are places available, a selection procedure takes place.


Registrations are open until 1 March for the coming school year.

Required documents

  • Application for admission (printout at the end of the online application process Bewo)
  • Declaration included in BewO stating whether and, if so, at which other grammar school / vocational college you have already taken part in an admission procedure.
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form with details of your educational background to date
  • Certified copy of the certificate proving the prerequisite for admission
    If the certificate is not yet available at the time of application:
    • certified copy of the last school report You
      must submit the copy of the required report without delay




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