Procedure descriptions

Applying for a boundary certificate for a property

The boundary certificate, also known as a "boundary attestation", is a certificate issued by the surveying authority (land registry office). It proves that

  • a building lies within the boundaries of a building plot or
  • there is an overbuilding on a neighbouring property.

In most cases, banks or other lenders require boundary certificates for buildings for which they grant building loans.

Responsible department

  • Publicly appointed surveyors or surveyors or
  • the lower surveying authority

Depending on the location of the property, the lower surveying authority is the municipal administration or the district office.



  • Entry of the building in the property register
    If you have changed the floor plan of the building since the last survey ("building survey"), you need a new survey.
  • Authorised applicants are
    • Owners and owners
    • Authorised leaseholders
    • local courts responsible for land register matters
    • Banks
    • other persons if they can prove a legitimate interest.


You can apply for a boundary certificate from

  • publicly appointed surveyors or land surveyors or
  • the competent surveying authority.

You can submit the application informally:

  • in writing,
  • by telephone or
  • by e-mail

You must specify the parcel with street, house number or district, parcel, parcel number. Some authorities offer their own form.

Tip: You can also apply for the boundary certificate at the same time as the building survey.

The competent authority can carry out a site inspection before issuing the boundary certificate.



Required documents



depending on the respective workload

Processing time

depending on the respective workload



Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Ministerium für Landesentwicklung und Wohnen Baden-Württemberg, 09.06.2021

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