Procedure descriptions

Apply for admission to the vocational school

The Berufsaufbauschule is the intermediate level of the Berufsoberschule and is part of the second educational pathway. It is a full-time school and lasts one year. By attending the Berufsaufbauschule, you can acquire the Fachschulreife (intermediate school leaving certificate).

The vocational college builds on the knowledge and skills you have already acquired. You will be prepared to take on more highly qualified jobs and receive an extended general education.

The vocational postgraduate school is available in the following specialisations:

  • industrial-technical
  • commercial
  • home economics, nursing and social education
  • agricultural

Please note Under certain conditions, you can attend the upper level of a vocational secondary school or a vocational grammar school after completing the intermediate level. At these schools, you can obtain a subject-specific or general higher education entrance qualification.

Responsible department

the respective vocational school



  • Secondary school leaving certificate or an equivalent level of education
  • successful completion
    • the vocational school or
    • a one-year vocational school or
    • a vocational school of at least two years' duration that does not lead to a qualification for admission to technical college
  • Degree
    • a recognised training occupation or,
    • if such was not specified, in another vocational training programme relevant to the type of school, or
  • at least four years of relevant practical experience with good grades, whereby the time spent attending a vocational school can be taken into account
  • for foreign applicants additionally: sufficient German language skills


You can register with the vocational college at which you would like to be admitted.

The school management will decide on your admission and inform you in writing.

Please note: There is a probationary period until the end of the first half of the school year.


The school management will inform you in an appropriate manner of the deadlines you need to keep, e.g. on the school website or by calling the secretary's office.

Required documents

  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form with details of previous educational background
  • Certificates and proof of fulfilment of the requirements




You can apply for a grant under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) to attend the vocational postgraduate school.

Release note

29.11.2023; Kultusministerium Baden-Württemberg

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