Apply for a classic car licence plate
Classic cars can be vehicles that were first registered 30 years ago or earlier. Such vehicles, which largely correspond to their original condition and are in good condition, are motor vehicle cultural assets. Classic cars are often not intended for everyday use. However, there are historic vehicles with which you can take part in road traffic without restrictions. These vehicles have an "H" in the last position of the licence plate, which stands for "historic".
An H licence plate is associated with various advantages for you, for example
- Tax relief
- Insurance benefits
- different regulations in environmental zones
The registration authority will issue you with the H licence plate when you apply for a registration for a classic car. If you already have a registered vehicle and it is 30 years old, you can apply for a simple licence plate change.
When applying for registration, you must submit an expert opinion from an officially recognised expert on the classification of your vehicle as a classic car. A general inspection (HU) is also carried out as part of this report.
You must also affix the licence plates to classic cars in accordance with the legal requirements. Exceptions to the design and attachment must be legally permissible or entered in the registration certificate part I.
Responsible department
local competent licensing authority
- first registration at least 30 years ago
- good, largely original condition of the vehicle
- qualified expert opinion proving the vehicle's status as a classic car
Additional requirements in the context of a registration procedure are
- no outstanding fees and expenses from previous registrations of more than EUR 30
- no motor vehicle tax debts of EUR 5 or more, including all late payment penalties, interest and late payment penalties
When applying in person:
When you register your classic car with your local registration authority, you will be allocated a licence plate combination on the spot. The registration authority may require you to present the vehicle. With this allocation:
- have the licence plates produced;
- have the stickers affixed to the licence plates by the registration authority;
- attach the licence plates firmly to the vehicle in the designated places.
When applying online:
You can only apply for a classic car licence plate online if the vehicle has previously had a classic car licence plate. If you apply for a classic car licence plate via the i-Kfz Portal:
- the allocation of a classic car licence plate is entered directly in the Central Vehicle Register
- you will receive the allocation of the classic car licence plate as a notification by e-mail or as a download
- have the licence plates embossed
- attach the stickers you received by post from the registration authority to the licence plates
- attach them properly to the designated place on the vehicle
The following applies to both types of application:
When re-registering a vehicle, you can apply to have the previous licence plates re-allocated to you. This also applies if you have reserved the licence plate for the re-registration of your vehicle.
Required documents
- Expert opinion for the classification of a vehicle as a classic car by an officially recognised expert.
- If a classic car licence plate is allocated as part of a registration procedure, the following documents are also required:
- Vehicle registration document or
- foreign vehicle documents or
- the operating licence for vehicles not requiring registration
- the EC Certificate of Conformity (CoC), or data confirmation or full expert opinion
- Proof of ownership
- Purchase contract or
- Invoice
- Proof of valid motor vehicle liability insurance (eVB number)
- Bank details for the direct debit mandate to pay the vehicle tax
The following information applies:
Vehicles may not be moved or parked in public areas without a licence plate. The licence plates must not be mirrored, covered or dirty and must be attached to the vehicle in accordance with the legal requirements.
Certain licence plate combinations are prohibited in certain countries.
Legal basis
Fahrzeug-Zulassungsverordnung (FZV):
- § 10 Besondere Kennzeichen
- § 2 Begriffsbestimmungen
- Anlage 4 Ausgestaltung der Kennzeichen
- § 9 Zuteilung von Kennzeichen
- § 12 Ausgestaltung und Anbringung der Kennzeichen
- § 20 Antrag
- § 26 Gemeinsame Regelungen für die Zulassung und für Änderungen
- Anlage 1 (zu § 9 Absatz 1 Satz 4) Ausgestaltung, Einteilung und Zuteilung der Buchstaben- und Zahlengruppen für die Erkennungsnummern der Kennzeichen
Straßenverkehrs-Zulassungs-rdnung (StVZO):
- § 23 Gutachten für die Einstufung eines Fahrzeugs als Oldtimer
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Verkehrsministerium Baden-Württemberg, 08.01.2025