Procedure descriptions

Activities with pathogens - Display changes

You have already obtained a permit to work with pathogens and have notified the competent body of the first commencement of work. You must notify the competent body immediately if you

  • make significant changes (type and scope of activity, condition of rooms and facilities, disposal measures),
  • stop working with pathogens, or
  • resume work with pathogens.

Even if you are exempt from the permit requirement, you must notify changes in your activity. Persons who carry out microbiological examinations for diagnostic purposes on their own patients are exempt from the obligation to obtain a permit. These are for example

  • Doctors and medical practitioners
  • Dentists
  • Veterinary surgeons

Do you work under the supervision of a person who has a permit or is exempt from the permit requirement? In this case, you do not have to report the change of activity.

Responsible department

The Regional Council of Tübingen



They may continue or resume the activity if there is no risk to public health. For this to be the case, the following conditions must be met in particular

  • suitable rooms or facilities must be available for the type and scope of the activities, and
  • the conditions for safe disposal must be met.


You can file a complaint informally with the competent authority. Your notification must contain the following:

  • Information on the changes in the nature and scope of the intended activities and disposal measures
  • Information on the changes in the nature of the premises and facilities
  • if necessary: Information on the exemption from permission

The authority will check your documents and, if necessary, carry out an on-site inspection. It decides whether

  • You may continue or resume the activity with pathogens under changed conditions, or
  • prohibit the activity.


immediately after the change of activity

Required documents

  • if another Regierungspräsidium has issued permission to work with pathogens: A certified copy of the permit
  • Documents on changes in the type and scope of activities and on disposal measures (e.g. organisation plan, hygiene concept, disposal concept)
  • Documents on the changes in the nature of the rooms and facilities (e.g. floor plan, room plan)


depending on expenditure between EUR 50.00 and EUR 1,000

Processing time

The competent authority usually decides within two to four weeks after the complete documents have been submitted.

Legal basis

Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG):

  • § 50 Veränderungsanzeige

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 22.11.2024

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